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Therapeutic Massage

The art of massage was first mentioned in writing in 2000 BC and it has been discussed extensively in books since about 500 BC.  Massage has always been one of the most natural and instinctive means of relieving pain and discomfort.  Our skin is the largest sensory organ of the human body, it deserves our time and attention.  Continue exploring benefits below.


Reduce Tension

Various touch techniques are applied to muscle and connective tissues creating physiological benefits.

Manage Stress

Sensory stimulation from massage helps re-establish homeostasis of the body's nervous system.

Restore Energy

We are cellularly connected to everything, which means energy systems (or biofields) are stimulated and balancing.


Techniques of lengthening and stretching can help re-educate muscles involved and improve range of motion.

Improve Posture

Changes to muscles, tendons, joints, skin, reflexes and senses can help create needed postural shifts.

Shift Mood

Massage is often a helpful addition to your plan for managing anxiety, depression or other mood concerns.

Do you wonder if your body is holding trauma?
Are you pregnant? Or planning to become pregnant?

Please visit my pages about trauma and/or pregnancy for more information.

If you have questions, please contact me.

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